Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dental Resolutions for 2013

Robert D. Follweiler

D.D.S.,P.A. Periodontology and Laser Technology

Creating and Maintaining  Foundations of Oral Health

901 East Ocean Boulevard

Stuart Florida 34994


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                                                        Dental Resolutions for 2013

The New Year is rolling in. Time to make some dental health plans to start the year off right. Here are a few suggestions to guarantee a healthier smile in 2010.

1.     Stop procrastinating. If things in your mouth don’t feel right for a period of over a week to ten days call the dentist. Chances are something is going on that needs attention and the longer you wait the bigger the problem usually becomes.

2.     What and when you eat may be the source of dental problems. Frequent snacking on sugary foods like cookies, cake, candy and soft drinks are responsible for rampant dental decay. Make healthy food choices and cut down on snaking.

3.     Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss at night and replace your toothbrush every 2-3 months.

4.     Unless you have injured yourself bleeding gums are NEVER NORMAL. There are about 8 square inches of gum tissue in your mouth.  Can you imagine leaving a chronically infected 8 inch wound untreated on any other part of your body? Didn’t think so. Most tooth loss is due to gum disease that is now easily treated in the early stages.

5.     Establish a relationship with a dentist BEFORE you have any problems instead of finding one for an emergency.

6.     Most dentist don’t have psyche abilities. Speak up -  ask questions and address your concerns about your dental problems, office procedures and financial obligations regarding treatment.

7.     Take the time to learn about new treatments. Everything changes and strides in dental technology are occurring every day. There is no reason to be fearful of visits to the dentist office.

8.     Finally make the healthy mouth/healthy body connection. Low grade untreated gum infections are harmful to other body systems. Gum disease has been linked to heart disease and lung disease, diabetes, problem pregnancies and other ailments such as arthritis.  Don’t let a gum problem remain untreated. Make it a Healthy Happy New Year.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Holiday Stress and Periodontal Health

The holidays are upon us and the excitement and stress are mounting for everyone.  As scientists link chronic stress to many physical problems, dental professionals often see the results of prolonged stress in the mouth. Shopping, parties, gift giving and financial stressors have the potential to make deep pockets and we don’t mean the ones in your clothes. We are talking about periodontal pockets - the ones that form between teeth and gums that trap and breed bacteria. These pockets are the beginning of periodontal disease.  According to research at the University of New York at Buffalo, “Studies indicate that this ever- present stress and lack of  adequate coping skills could lead to altered habits , such as reduced oral hygiene, teeth grinding as well as salivary changes and a weakening of the body’s ability to fight infection.” These factors may lead to periodontal disease and other dental problems.
Dr. Robert Schoor, former President of the American Academy of Periodontology states that “The good news is that many of the risk factors for periodontal disease, such as poor oral hygiene and infrequent professional care, can be controlled with minimal personal time and financial resources.” “And because eliminating periodontal disease also eliminates risk factors for heart disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes complications, it is especially important for people to do what they can to protect their oral health.”
  • How about giving yourself a gift this holiday season?  Even with rushing around and lack of personal time try and stick to these basic periodontal survival techniques:
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. If you don’t floss, you miss cleaning about 30% of your teeth’s surface. Often periodontal disease begins between teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach.
  • Bleeding during brushing is not normal and is never okay. If your hands bled when you washed them, would you overlook it? Bleeding is sign of periodontal disease. If your gums bleed for more than a week after you begin routine flossing talk with your dentist, hygienist or Periodontist.
  • Limit the amount of holiday party food - particularly the desserts and beverages that contain sugar and that includes all alcoholic drinks as well.
  • Make sure to brush your teeth before bed, floss if you are able and if all else fails at least rinse with water thoroughly.
  • Protect your total body health with good oral health.
  • Happy Holidays and don’t forget to call us!  (772) 283 - 1400