Saturday, March 30, 2013

Periodontal Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease – Is There a Connection?

Robert D. Follweiler  D.D.S.,P.A. Periodontology and Laser Technology
Creating and Maintaining  Foundations of Oral Health
901 East Ocean Boulevard  Stuart Florida 34994  772-283-1400        


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According to studies at New York University published in August of 2010 periodontal disease may signal a risk of cognitive dysfunction associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Cognitive dysfunction refers to the brains diminished ability to process information.

Study leader Dr. Angela Kamer and colleagues conducted a meta-analysis involving 20 years of data that supports a possible causal link between periodontal disease, or gum inflammation, and Alzheimer's disease, which involves brain inflammation. "The research suggests that cognitively normal subjects with periodontal inflammation are at an increased risk of lower cognitive function compared to cognitively normal subjects with little or no periodontal inflammation," Kamer said in a statement.

Kamer's team then compared cognitive function at ages 50 and 70, using the Digit Symbol Test, a part of the standard measurement of adult IQ. The researchers did an analysis of periodontal inflammation and cognitive function in 152 subjects in the Glistered Aging Study, involving Danish men and women over a 20-year period ending in 1984, when the subjects were all age 70.

The study found that periodontal inflammation at age 70 was strongly associated with lower Digit Symbol Test scores at age 70. Subjects with periodontal inflammation were nine times more likely to test in the lower range of the Digit Symbol test compared to subjects with little or no periodontal inflammation.

 Periodontal or gum disease leads to loss of bone and other supporting structures in the mouth. This bone loss accounts for the great majority of tooth loss in adults.  Tooth loss is a significant predictor of mortality independent of health factors, socio-economic status, and lifestyle in older adults, with a stronger association in females.

These two factors alone show how constant inflammation and infection in the mouth may affect the entire body. Stop periodontal disease at the earliest stages and protect your entire body.