Monday, July 8, 2013

What's Making You Sick?

Robert D. Follweiler, D.D.S.

Periodontology and Laser Technology 

901 East Ocean Boulevard   Stuart, Florida 34994

 Please visit us on the web       


Research has shown that periodontal disease is associated
 with several other diseases.
The main ones are
  •  diabetes
  •  heart disease
  •  premature and low birth weight in babies.
 For a long time, it was thought that bacteria was the factor
 that linked periodontal disease to other disease in the body;
More recent research demonstrates that inflammation
may be responsible for the association.
Therefore, treating inflammation not
only helps to manage periodontal
disease but in some cases also
helps with the management of other
chronic inflammatory conditions.

Your mouth is a straight shot to the rest of your body and what’s happening in there could be a red flag for — or the instigator — of some potentially serious health concerns.


“There is an association between inflammation of the gum tissue and inflammatory processes in other parts of the body,” says Gregg Lituchy, a cosmetic dentist at Lowenberg & Lituchy in NYC. And if you think about it, that makes sense — your mouth is literally a direct link to your insides. And it’s a place where icky bad breath and post-eating gook thrives, which can then go well, everywhere.

Call our office for an appointment today!