Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bad Breath and the Info to Remember!

      Bad Breath: Things to Remember


  1. Bad breath does not come from your stomach.
The esophagus prevents this from happening. The source of most bad breath is smelly waste excreted by sulfur-producing bacteria that live in the oral cavity.


2.   Everyone gets bad breath at some point.


Bad breath does not necessarily indicate poor oral hygiene or sloppy personal grooming. It simply means that there is an excess of sulfur-producing bacteria in a patient’s oral cavity. Dehydration, spicy foods, postnasal drip, some medications or other factors can easily create an environment where bacteria thrive, resulting in breath odor.


  1. Consistent and careful brushing and flossing alone may not improve bad breath.


Sulfur-producing bacteria are anaerobic (they thrive in places where there is little air exchange) and hide in the back of the nasal sinus and under the surface of the tongue where brushing and flossing cannot reach.


4. There are products and solutions that can help prevent bad breath such as specific cleaning techniques, mouth rinses and oral probiotics.

 Call our office for more information!
