Friday, June 21, 2013




According to a study in the International Journal of Cardiology (March 1, 2013) there is a relationship between periodontal health and cardiac dysrhythmia. One of the most sustained cardiac dysrhythmias is atrial fibrillation.


Atrial fibrillation affected approximately 2.7 million Americans in 2012 according the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Atrial fibrillation produces disorganized cardiac electrical impulses and places patients at significantly increased risks for clots, stroke and heart failure.


Studies have found that poor oral health pre-disposes patients to developing atrial fibrillation because of the increase in inflammation. Inflammation anywhere in the body lowers the immune system and puts stress on the body systems.


Periodontal disease is an inflammatory process that eventually destroys the gum tissue and the underlying bone support that holds teeth in place. The bacterial infection that causes gum disease can migrate to other parts of the body and compromise an immune system that may already be challenge from age, other disease processes or damaging life style habits. Poor oral hygiene is the major cause of gum disease, which has been found to be a potential risk factor for coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke and peripheral vascular disease.


The author of the study proposes that adequate oral hygiene combined with Regular and Frequent dental scalings are the best defense against gum disease and the increased inflammatory burden placed on the body. In a five-year study people who had dental scalings twice a year had a reduced rate of new onset atrial fibrillation compared with the group that did not have regular dental care.


For folks having to deal with heart problems or those wanting to prevent them routine dental care by professionals, along with diligent home care, may keep other serious health problems from interrupting or shortening you life. Call our office for a full periodontal evaluation.
772-283-1400 or go on our web site for more information.

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